
Influence: The Muslim Brotherhood in America

Why Is a Sitting US Congressman Speaking at a Jihadist-Associated Convention

Over the national holiday weekend of Labor Day, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is assembling for its 52nd Annual Convention from 4-7 September 2015 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois. The Muslim Brotherhood convention’s theme is “Stories of Resilience: Strengthening the American Muslim Narrative.” Per the program and screenshot … Continue reading "Why Is a Sitting US Congressman Speaking at a Jihadist-Associated Convention"

BY Secure Freedom · | September 5, 2015

Over the national holiday weekend of Labor Day, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is assembling for its 52nd Annual Convention from 4-7 September 2015 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois. The Muslim Brotherhood convention’s theme is “Stories of Resilience: Strengthening the American Muslim Narrative.” Per the program and screenshot below from the ISNA website, United States Representative Keith Ellison (Democrat, 5th District, MN) is slated to speak at this key gathering of Muslim Brotherhood affiliates, front groups, and leadership on Saturday, 5 September 2015. His topic, “Exploring the Parallels of Islam and the America’s Labor Movement,” offers a glimpse of the U.S. Brotherhood strategy to co-opt oppression and victimization narratives of the civil rights movement and working class in America. Of note, Mr. Ellison has received at least $136,092 in financing from Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations since April 2006 and recently participated in June 2014 as a keynote speaker at the secretive inaugural banquet for the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), the first political activist group in this country to be openly associated with the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood.



Justice Department Finds Brotherhood Network During Terror-Funding Trial

In 2007, Federal prosecutors brought charges of terrorism financing against the Holy Land Foundation, the largest Islamic charity in America, which funneled $12.4 million to Hamas.

“An Explanatory Memorandum” – The Brotherhood’s Plan

In 2007, the Justice Department convicted the largest Islamic charity in North America, The Holy Land Foundation, and its leadership of channeling more than twelve million dollars to known terrorists in the Middle East.


EXCLUSIVE: DNC frontrunner Ellison Met Privately With Osama Bin Laden Supporter

Muslim congressman defended radical imam who ministered to al-Qaida suspects in pre-9/11 ‘dry run.'


Terror Experts ‘Very Concerned’ About Sen. Warren Aide and His Radical Mosque

Warren staffer Hamza Abdelgany invited the senator to speak at a Boston Islamic Center linked to several major terrorism cases.


EXCLUSIVE: Huma’s ‘Fundamentalist’ Father: Muslims Have Right To ‘Take Up Arms’ For Allah

Once told Saudi interviewer, 'Every self-respecting Muslim is at heart an Islamic fundamentalist'