The totalitarian Islamist doctrine of sharia mandates the spread of Islam by all believers and submission to its laws even by non-believers. Not all Muslims practice this, but those who do represent a major threat to the free world.
Why does Islam seem to lead members of its faith into violence against the West in numbers unseen among adherents of other faiths? Islamic law, or sharia, is the driving force.
According to Islamic law, one of the areas in which lying is permitted, and sometimes required, is where it will be advantageous in dealings with attempts to gain the submission of non-believers.
Under Islamic law, the maintenance of a peaceful status quo cannot serve as the basis for a truce when the milestones favor Islamic success in Jihad.
Sharia treats girls as marriageable at very young ages, following the example of Muhammad himself.
An article claims that Muhammad was history's first feminist. Let's look at a few examples of why this is a silly thing to say.
The UK's system of sharia courts seems to be undermining the criminal law against domestic violence among British Muslims, while the Saudis introduce a new innovation in whipping.
Executions, purges, and the shuttering of opposition and Kurdish media mark Erdogan's ongoing power grabs -- as he tries to end NATO's mission stemming refugee flows to Europe.
A French scholar wonders whether the problem isn't Islam so much as a deeply damaged relationship between Westerners and religion itself. Is he right?
Toronto Muslim activist Taha Ghayyur cites the same Islamic law that so-called Islamophobes do.
It is dangerous to embrace the hijab as an expression of tolerance or piety.
Nor should we fear to criticize them as such, for except that we utter the shaḥāda, they do not care what we say.