The jihadist enemy aims to install Islamic law in every country, including the United States.
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SecDef nod calls for 'battles of annihilation” with “no survivors” against terror group, while beating drums of all-out war with Iran.
Speculation is rampant, but there are reasons to think that this attack can be laid at the feet of the Islamic State.
The attack was one of the least-covered jihadist attack on American soil. The media dropped the issue like a hot potato.
A mix of conventional military and insurgent tactics is making the going tougher than anticipated. The Sunni / Shia split promises to bedevil the hard work that is still to come.
The new president has cast off relations with the United States, and says "Allahu Akbar" on the campaign trail, but there are many factions of Islamist militants in the southern Philippines.
The Islamic State faces a divided coalition with no clear agenda beyond defeating it.
Jihad and clubbing don't really go together all that well, but it is no surprise to find these Islamic radicals in Spain.
Al Qaeda and Iran both represent an immediate danger, but lone wolf ISIS attacks could happen too.