
Violent Jihad

Palestinian Olympics Chairman: Terrorists, Not Athletes, Are “Heroes”

For Jibril Rajoub, it's terrorists--not Olympic athletes--who are his "heroes."

BY Bruce Cornibe · | July 28, 2016

The Olympics allows athletes from countries around the globe to peacefully come together and compete in sporting events – showcasing their talents for the world. Even though competition can be tense, participants oftentimes display deference and goodwill toward their fellow athletes in the spirit of the Olympics.

However, we are witnessing something contrary to goodwill on Palestine’s Olympic Committee with Chairman Jibril Rajoub. Rajoub publicly extols Palestinian terrorists/‘martyrs’ and advocates for the murder of innocent people. Even on Palestinian television Rajoub exalts former terrorists and promises them that Allah is on their side:

And from here we say to the 145 Martyrs (Palestinians killed from Oct. 2015 – Jan. 2016, most during their terror attacks –Ed.) – you are heroes and we bless you and strengthen your families, and say to you: You are a crown on our heads, until the Hour [of Resurrection] comes. And Allah will lengthen the lives of your family members, on the principle that Allah will honor them through you.” [Official PA TV, Jan. 6, 2016]

In another instance Rajoub explains how terrorism must be strategic, such as avoiding bad publicity from outside groups:

“The international community does not agree to a bus exploding in Tel Aviv. But the international community does not ask what happens to a settler or soldier in the occupied territories at the wrong time and in the wrong place. No one asks about him! Therefore, we want to fight in a way that the world and the international community will remain by our side.” [Official PA TV, Oct. 17, 2015]

Rajoub has also used his position in the Palestine Olympic Committee to dedicate a number of sporting events to Palestinian terrorists/‘martyrs,’ including a fencing tournament named after terrorist Abu Jihad – who killed 125 Israelis. Furthermore, Rajoub forbids using sports as a way to build rapport between Israelis and Palestinians. For example, when the Peres Center for Peace hosted a soccer match in September of 2014 with Israeli and Palestinian youths, Rajoub denounced the event stating, “Any activity of normalization in sports with the Zionist enemy is a crime against humanity[.]” It’s obvious Rajoub is a man that benefits from conflict and division.

Rajoub, like many other Palestinian leaders, shares in the jihadist ideology of destroying Israel and the Jewish people. These type of people are immersed in a propaganda war that essentially flips the definitions of right and wrong – making Israel out to be the perpetrator of terrorism, while actively supporting Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians and military alike. The Olympics does not need the involvement of jihadist backers such as Rajoub. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) needs to say no to Jibril Rajoub.





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