In several cases, the authors misrepresented what was reported by the media, claiming as hates crimes cases that were never investigated as hate crimes.
A recently released academic report claiming the candidacy of GOP presidential nod Donald Trump has led to a mini-holocaust against Muslims in America is riddled with errors and exaggerations. Yet Muslim pressure groups are actively pushing it out to the media to support the notion that Muslims are the ones under violent attack.
Sponsored by the Saudi prince who tried to bribe then-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani into saying U.S. foreign policy was to blame for 9/11, the “special report” — “When Islamophobia Turns Violent: The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections” — is designed to gin up sympathy for Muslims and shut down terrorism investigations in the Muslim community, as well as the presidential debate over Muslim immigration.
The Muslim Public Affairs Council — which was founded by known members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood, a worldwide jihadist movement — is distributing the report by Georgetown University’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding in an email alert to members. MPAC’s president, Salam al-Marayati, who signed the emailed letter, was once kicked off the National Commission on Terrorism after his defense of terrorist acts and the groups who carry them out was revealed.
“During the course of 2015, there were approximately 174 reported incidents of anti-Muslim violence and vandalism, including: 12 murders; 29 physical assaults; 50 threats against persons or institutions; 54 acts of vandalism or destruction of property; 8 arsons; and 9 shootings or bombings, among other incidents,” the 73-page report claims. “The number of incidents in 2015 is also higher than the total number of anti-Muslim hate crimes reported in 2014: 154.”
Sounds terrible. But it’s not what it seems.
The only accurate part of the statement is that there were, in fact, 154 confirmed anti-Muslim incidents in 2014, according to FBI crime tables. That’s up from 135 cases in 2013 and 130 in 2012, but a far cry from the total number in 2001, when the FBI investigated 481 hate crimes against Muslims.
Even that high number isn’t as bad as it seems. Of the 554 victims of anti-Islamic crimes reported in 2001 — a year that included the murder of almost 3,000 Americans by 19 Muslim hijackers — more than half (296) were victims not of aggravated assault or even simple assault but of “intimidation.”
According to the Justice Department, hate crimes against Muslims have fallen dramatically since 9/11, and it’s unlikely 2015 will reverse the trend, Georgetown’s alarmism notwithstanding.
Its tally of 174 hate crimes last year is unofficial, unconfirmed and, as it turns out, grossly inflated. Its source is not the FBI, which won’t release actual data for 2015 hate crimes until November, but the media. “These incidents were reported by local and national news outlets,” it admits in a footnote in the report.
But Georgetown doesn’t even get that right. A review of press accounts of incidents cited as anti-Muslim hate crimes reveal that in several cases the authors of the Georgetown report misrepresented what was reported by the media, claiming as hates crimes cases that were never investigated as hate crimes.
In fact, some of the Muslims the authors claim were murdered because of their religion were in fact killed during a robbery. Hatred for their faith had nothing to do with it.
For example, the report claimed: “On April 19, in Lexington, Ky., Salahuddin Jitmoud, 22, was murdered outside an apartment building in what his faith community fear was a hate crime.”
In fact, Jitmoud, a pizza delivery driver, was gunned down in a robbery carried out by three black suspects. Police never even considered it a hate crime.
The report also counted as an “act of anti-Muslim violence” the following: “On Dec. 7, in Miami-Dade, Fla., someone shot a Muslim store clerk.”
That someone was an armed robber described as a black man who shot a food-mart operator after he refused to hand over cash from his register. Police are investigating it as a robbery, not a hate crime.
The report also falsely cites as an anti-Muslim hate crime the February 2015 murder of three Muslim students — Deah Barakat, Yusor Abu-Salha and Razan Abu-Salha — who were shot by a neighbor near the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus.
Only, local law enforcement authorities investigating the murders cited a long-standing parking dispute as the likely motive. Even the Obama Justice Department has declined to prosecute the case as a hate crime. The main source claiming the triple homicide was religiously motivated is the victims’ Muslim-activist father.
The Georgetown report claimed instances of anti-Muslim violence surged “after Mr. Trump threw his hat into the presidential ring” on June 16, 2015. For instance:
- “On July 1, in North Brunswick, New Jersey, a South Asian man was found on the side of the road, bleeding from the head after a bias attack.”
- “On July 5, in Chico, California, the Fusion Hookah Lounge was set ablaze after two men drove by yelling threatening comments.”
But the New Jersey victim wasn’t even Muslim. He’s Hindu. And Chico investigators say there’s no evidence of a hate crime there.
In at least three other cases, Georgetown mistakenly counted Sikhs as victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes.
The report’s authors also counted as a hate crime the defacing of a “Hijab Day” poster hanging on a wall at Murray State University in Kentucky.
What’s more, they falsely claimed a Seattle mosque was targeted by arsons. Local authorities say a large building that housed several tenants including the mosque was set ablaze along with other property in a string of arsons last October. They said it did not appear the mosque, which was located on an upper floor, was targeted.
Increasingly, Muslim activists are faking anti-Muslim hate crimes across the country to prop up the fiction that Muslims are routinely victimized. Over the last few years, in fact, authorities have documented several totally fabricated cases. More and more Muslims are crying wolf, and the media are falling for it every time, numbing the public to real cases of religiously motivated violence.
There is no pogrom against Muslims. It’s a myth. In fact, there are fewer attacks on Muslims today than a decade ago and a third as many as 2001. And even then, they were dwarfed by attacks on Jews, most of which were instigated by … Muslims. In 2014, the 609 crimes against Jews were four times the number of crimes against Muslims.
The real problem is anti-Semitism, something that radical, Saudi-backed mosques and madrassas in America are guilty of spreading in their hateful sermons and literature every week. Of the total 1,140 victims of anti-religious hate crimes reported by the FBI in 2014, a whopping 57% were Jewish. Only 16% were Muslim.
In the latest rash of anti-Semitism, pro-Palestinian thugs have been attacking Jews at the University of Tennessee and other U.S. campuses.
Hysteria over “Islamophobic” hate crimes is merely used by radical Islamist groups such as MPAC and the Council on American-Islamic Relations to stifle criticism of the jihadism and Shariah creep they promote. It’s noteworthy that terrorist front CAIR is bankrolled by the sponsor of the Georgetown hate-crimes report: Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal.
After 9/11, bin Talal offered Giuliani $10 million in disaster relief on the condition he call on Washington to reexamine U.S. policy in the Middle East. The former New York mayor rejected his blood money.
If politicians and the media continue to take such phony alarmism seriously, the public risks focusing on imaginary threats against Muslims while ignoring real threats by Muslims.