
Violent Jihad

Fred Fleitz on Fox News: Synagogue attack linked to Temple Mount tension

Insight on the Synagogue attack in Israel from Senior Fellow Fred Fleitz Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

BY Secure Freedom · | November 18, 2014

Insight on the Synagogue attack in Israel from Senior Fellow Fred Fleitz



Mattis: ISIS ‘couldn’t last 2 minutes in fight with our troops’

SecDef nod calls for 'battles of annihilation” with “no survivors” against terror group, while beating drums of all-out war with Iran.


Who Ordered the Hit on Russia’s Ambassador?

Speculation is rampant, but there are reasons to think that this attack can be laid at the feet of the Islamic State.


10 Things We Should Learn From the Ohio State Attack

The attack was one of the least-covered jihadist attack on American soil. The media dropped the issue like a hot potato.