
Violent Jihad

Convicted Jihadi Murderer Calls From Prison for Beheadings

'Cut off their heads... send them to hell.' Videos celebrating murder. Yet YouTube censored us?

BY CounterJihad · @CounterjihadUS | September 23, 2016

Tanveer Ahmed, who murdered a fellow Muslim from a minority sect in Glasgow, is currently serving life in prison.  It is unclear if he will remain behind bars, however, as he has just been given leave to appeal his sentence as unduly harsh.  The appeal is plausible given the extraordinary leeway that the United Kingdom’s justice system gives to even violent criminals, especially Muslims who act in the name of Islam.

Perhaps to celebrate this opportunity to reclaim some part of his freedom, Ahmed released a YouTube video calling for more murders in Islam’s name.

In a series of YouTube speeches he celebrates the brutal murder and urges fellow fanatics to slaughter more followers of the Ahmadi sect of Islam, yelling: “Cut off their heads, cut off their heads, cut off their heads.”

Bradford taxi driver Ahmed drove 200 miles to butcher peace-loving Mr Shah, 40, at his Glasgow newsagents in March.

Ahmed claimed his victim, an Ahmadi Muslim, had been “disrespecting the prophet Mohammed” in messages on his own YouTube account.

The killer’s most recent hate-filled rant was posted on September 7, the Independent reports.

In it he celebrates sending Mr Shah “to hell with the help of Allah, the prophet, angels and saints”.

He says in Urdu: “I have the honour of sending him to the hell for ever.”

He isn’t talking to himself, either.  YouTube not only hosts his videos with their calls for violence, but also tribute videos celebrating his crime.  This one is more than seven minutes of stirring, martial music in the Islamist mode.

Readers may remember how, back in July, YouTube elected to censor a CounterJihad video — ostensibly because it violated the policies it put into place to combat Islamic State (ISIS) recruiting.  Muslim reformer and CounterJihad writer Shireen Qudosi sharply criticized the website for its actions, which she described as harmful to the process of reform.

How interesting to see that they host calls for beheadings, and celebrations of beheadings, while censoring commentary that is critical of beheadings.

Here is our video again, so that you can compare it to the videos YouTube is leaving active.



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