There is a general danger to mass immigration and a danger specific to Islamic immigration. France is facing destruction because it has chosen to combine the two.
In terms of Islamic immigration, the danger is that it comes with a mandate to change the civilization to which it moves. Mohammed said to his followers, ““I charge you with five of what Allah has charged me with: to assemble, to listen, to obey, to immigrate and to wage Jihad for the sake of Allah.” In this they are emulating Muhammad himself. He left his home town of Mecca in a migration known as the hijra. He did so with intent of establishing a base of operations from which to return and conquer.
Figures across the Islamic world proclaim their intent to conquer through the process of Muslim migration. These include Yousef al-Qaradawi, the senior jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Anjem Choudary, the outspoken jihadist imam in the U.K. The danger of Islamic immigration is most evident in Western Europe. The results of misguided “multicultural” experiments, lax immigration policies and indifference to assimilation are sharia and clashes with police.
In terms of mass immigration, the danger is that civilizations depend on their members upholding the values of the community. Even in terms of mass immigration from Latin America to the United States, where mass immigration is from Christian nations to a majority-Christian nation, the challenge to the values of the civilization is intense. The United States of America was founded on a particular view of human liberty protected in part by strict Constitutional limits on the powers of government. Latin American immigrants come from cultures favoring much stronger government models, even socialist models, that are not compatible with the United States Constitution. As mass immigration empowers this community with more and more votes, it becomes more and more likely that the traditional civilization will wither away. Such voters elect Congressmen who anoint judges who rewrite the Constitution in court to make way for socialism.
Now put the two together, and consider a rapidly-growing mass immigrant population of Muslims:
Over two decades, the French Muslim population is thus supposed to have increased by 25% according to the lowest estimations, by 50% according to median estimations, or even by 100% if one compares the INED and government figures of 1997 to those of 2014, from 3 million to almost 6 million.
This is respectively almost two times, three times, or six times the French average population growth.
France stands on the edge of destruction by such immigration. The France of the future, should this not change, will not be the land of liberty, equality, and fraternity. It will be a land harboring an unassimilated Islamic majority.